Saturday, August 28, 2010

a journey (not the don't stop believin' kind)

Me, at 25
Hi, I'm Susan. I'm 29 years old. My birthday is Oct. 1.

I'm not exactly freaking out about about turning 30, but I am reflecting a lot on my 20s. About the irresponsibility, the rosiness of the future. The awesomely fun college days, the start of my career. Sunday dinners with friends when cooking was more of a novelty than a necessity. Devoting entire days to porch sitting and not much else.

Me (with friends), last weekend
I miss some things. Most things I don't. I've got an awesome house, an amazing husband, and a fulfilling career that allows me to afford brand-name cereal. I also do a lot of the same things I did in my 20s, like sing Journey at the top of my lungs, procrastinate cleaning my bathroom, and sometimes drink too much beer/wine/vodka.

So I'm going to wrap up my 20s with a little experiment. Every day during the 30 days leading up to my birthday, I'm going to do something that my 20s self would have done. I'm going to be irresponsible, spontaneous, crazy, and probably more than a little drunk. But I can't think of a better way to kick off my 30s.

I have a short list that may or may not include staying up all night, eating ramen noodles, and shopping for clothes exclusively at Wet Seal, but want your ideas. What 20s-inspired stunts do you suggest? Leave your suggestions in the comments. I'll get started on Sept. 1.

ps, dating-related challenges are off-limits (like I said, I'm happily married and want to stay that way). Also trying to avoid anything too illegal.


  1. I think you should go to a bar in sweatpants and a tshirt and proceed to get hammered and take shots of la prima tequila.

  2. What are your thoughts on attending or hosting a Naty Light Keg party with Beer Pong and Flip Cup tourneys, after hours, and late night pizza?!?!

  3. fun Suz! kegs and eggs ;) I couldn't conquer it in my 20's I don't think....

  4. I fully support sleeping till noon, midnight papa johns and thowing a keger with a $5 cover and a side of bumpin and grindin

  5. God, I love this. 1st, what is the 25 pic from? 2nd, I love all reccos so far, partic sweats and hoody. 3rd, looking forward to going out on a Wed. Lastly, can't wait to participate in as much of this debauchery as possible :)

  6. edward 40 hands? if you were able to come to CHI i'd also suggest a 4am bar called the Hanngge Uppe and then Jimmy Johns late night!

  7. *Drinking 12 Mountain Dews in one hour to stay awake for class
    *Playing Duck Hunt on a real 8bit Nintendo attached to the PA system in your building
    *Gluing your boss into his office (then having the janitor/maint staff chisel him out)
    *The 50 Chicken McNugget challenge
    *Finish a fifth of Absolut, with a few Jolly Rogers hard candies, by yourself

  8. No-shower Sunday.

  9. Nice, Sus. I suggest throwing back old school shots like Flaming Dr. Peppers, Buttery Nipples and Blow Jobs. Sell your old CDs to the Record Exchange for tanning money. Day drink for every single Browns game with no guilt about what you have to do the next day. While you're at it, stock up on Red Bulls to get you through work on Monday. Wish I was there to partake in the madness. Ennnnjoy! xxoo

  10. CHUCK SAYS: Definitely throw a party with six kegs. The key being that you can call "house beer". I'm also doing this, but I have 747 days till I'm thirty so it could get ugly.

  11. Such awesome comments guys!

    Justin - GREAT one. Definitely adding that in.

    G - there is definitely tailgating on the schedule!

  12. 40's at 4:00pm are a must. I love this idea!
