Sunday, September 19, 2010

13 days to 30: tailgating

While driving down 71 South yesterday on my way to watch Ohio State smoke my alma mater, Ohio University, I got a call from my friend Zac Jackson.

"Did you even go to any football games while you were at OU?" he said.

"Um, I think so. Maybe two? Or three?"

"Oh yeah? Who did they play?"

"I have no idea."

So yeah, football and tailgating weren't exactly big traditions down in Athens. I remember once driving past people tailgating for an OU football game and laughing at them. It just wasn't done.

But, my two little sisters went to school in Columbus. And as anyone who's been in Columbus on a football Saturday knows, down there it's most definitely a big deal.

This weekend, OSU was playing OU, plus it happened to be my youngest sister's 21st birthday. So I packed up, put on my bright green OU gear, and headed down to Cbus for a day of tailgating and livin' the dream.

We had a couple schedule delays, so by the time we got to the tailgate we barely had enough time to down a couple of mimosas before we had to head to the game. But it was a beautiful day, and even though my team got smoked I had an awesome inaugural experience in the Horseshoe. I'd do it every Saturday if my liver, wallet and/or old bones could take it.

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